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Show 'New Natural Jewelry'

  • Liesbeth Busman | Meester goudsmid • Sieraden • Trouw- & Verlovingsringen Visiting is by appointment. Please book your spot online. Prinsegracht 32, 2512 GA, Den Haag Nederland (kaart)

Jewelry Show ‘New Natural Jewelry’

On show are the new One-of-a-kind wedding rings, engagement rings, and signature jewelry pieces I made for you during my 6-month artist retreat in the cave house.

Get inspired by the many original ‘beautiful mistakes’ that set their own natural brute-style beauty standards. More news will follow as new works progress.

“I feel the need to explore more deeply what natural jewelry design can entail, to experiment, and above all to make lots of beautiful mistakes. My goal is to become a 'professional mistake maker': because in the mistakes I find the not yet done, the unfinished, the not yet designed. The perfect imperfection!”

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